We are giving away prize bags for the first 50 shoppers. But I'm the boss and I can do what I want :) So I am going to snatch one of those bags and save it for one of you lucky readers. (That way you don't have to wake up to early.. you can come whenever you want!) You don't have to come to the boutique at all but you definitely should (the bag is full of fun prizes but it is also full of coupons and gift cards that are only good to vendors the day of)! And your bag is going to be stuffed full of lots of EXTRA prizes and goodies.
All you have to do is share with all your friends via your blogs, twitter and FB about the boutique and for each one you will be entered for another chance at a swag bag.

Leave a comment for each entry with a link to your
1. blog post
2. FB share to this giveaway
3. tweet to this giveaway
for a couple extra entries..
4. like BITB on FB ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boutique-in-the-Barn/310915208097)
- or let me know you already do
5. follow this blog
Feel free to copy our flyer below to add to any of your posts :)
I am willing to ship prizes to the winner, but if you win and decide to pick your prize up AT the boutique, you prize will include something a little extra (think something like *cold hard cash* maybe to encourage some extra spending at the boutique :)
Giveaway ends at midnight Wednesday April 25.